The Golden Triangle and Rectangle in Fashion Design

The Golden triangle is an isosceles triangle with proportions between sides equal to the Golden ratio. And the proportions between sides in the Golden rectangle are equal to the Golden section too.

The first model of a lady’s dress with application of the Golden triangle. The detail by the neckline is in form of a Golden triangle. Another Golden triangle is used as a frame for design of the decorative constructional seams between bust area and arm holes. The proportion between both triangles is equal to the Golden ratio. The smaller Golden triangle, this one which is situated under the neckline, can be used as a base of applications as in this case the application is in form of a spiral shape designed by Golden triangles.

The second model of a lady’s dress with application of the Golden triangle. The triangle under the neckline in the first model is used as a frame of designing of the neckline form. The fourth curves which form the neckline are connected in the point of intersection between the bisectors of the triangle. The line under the neck opening is connected with the decorative constructional seam under an angle which is close to the angle between legs of the Golden triangle or 32 degrees.

The first model of a lady’s dress with application of the Golden rectangle. The Golden rectangle forms the neck opening and the detail under the neckline. That detail is connected with the front by a frame of plates. The outside and inside roll lines of the plates form Golden rectangles too. The outside roll lines of the vertical plates divide the shoulders into Golden ratio. The Golden one is the proportion between width of the vertical plates and the shoulders.

The second model of a lady’s dress with application of the Golden rectangle. The neck opening and the both details by the neckline are formed in the frames of Golden rectangles. The Golden rectangles divide the shoulders in Golden proportions. The distance between the end points of shoulders and the biggest Golden rectangle, and the shortest distance between armholes and the biggest Golden rectangle are connected in the Golden ratio proportion. Golden ones are proportions between the vertical sides and the roundness radii in the third Golden rectangles.

The golden triangle and rectangle can be used in design of details and elements of clothing directly or as frames, and that is one of the ways for application of the Golden ratio in fashion design as a symbol of beauty and harmony.

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